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[DIR] Parent Directory

[DIR] 01  0.00b  June 29 2015 at 01:44
[TXT] A Jewish Aramaic (Or Hebrew) LaissezPasser from the Egyptian Port of Berenike.pdf  122.83Kb  June 29 2015 at 01:26
[TXT] Boiy T. Dating methods during the early hellenistic period.pdf  56.87Kb  June 29 2015 at 01:30
[TXT] Semitic Names for Utensils in the Demotic Word-List from Tebtunis.pdf  580.97Kb  June 29 2015 at 01:38
[TXT] The Scorpion Spell from Wadi Hammamat - Another Aramaic Text in Demotic Script.pdf  1.16Mb  June 29 2015 at 01:40