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[TXT] 134.1101-Dyslipidémies_Le Bras, Rev Prat.pdf  1.08Mb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 134.1101-Statins for the Primary prevention of CVD. Review_Cochrane.pdf  670.71Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 134.1102-Statins are not associated with a decrease in all cause mortality in HR primary prevention setting_Kaess, EBMj.pdf  74.90Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 213.1101-Cilostazol vs Aspirin for IIary prevention of vascular events after stroke of arterial origin_Cochrane Review.pdf  321.93Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 213.1101-Guidelines for the Primary prevention of stroke_AHA, ASA.pdf  1.06Mb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 219.1101-Wide variation in definition, detection and description of lacunar lesions on imaging_Potter, Stroke.pdf  918.39Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 241.1102-Association between Plaque ulceration and Plaque composition evaluated with MDCTA_Homburg, Stroke.pdf  406.73Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 241.1102-Discriminating carotid AthS lesion severity by luminal stenosis and plaque burden, HR-MRA imaging_Zhao, Stroke.pdf  708.92Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 242.1101-US and periop macroscopic findings in acute ICA occlusion_Herzig, J Neuroimag.pdf  190.86Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 255.1102-Anatomical and technical factors associated with stroke or death during CAST (EVA-3S & SR)_Naggara, Stroke.pdf  661.82Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 255.1102-National trends in utilization and postprocedure outcomes for carotid revascularization 2005-07_Eslami, jvs.pdf  353.21Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 255T.1102-The incidence of HITS to the brain is less with CEA than with CAST with distal filters or flow reversal_Gupta, jvs.pdf  117.02Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 257.1102-Benign outcome of objectively proven spontaneous recanalization of ICA occlusion_Camporese, jvs.pdf  388.51Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 257a.1101-US and periop macroscopic findings in acute ICA occlusion_Herzig, J Neuroimag.pdf  190.85Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 259s.1101ep-A combined TCD and MRA screening for significant ICA siphon stenosis_Aoki, J Neuroimag.pdf  143.62Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 323.1102-Socioeconomic and hospital-related predictors of amputation in CLI_Henry, jvs.pdf  113.76Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 325.1101-Ulcer healing after HBOT vsTcPO2, TBP, ABI in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers_Löndahl, Diabetologia.pdf  124.52Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 325.1102-1 Foot care education in patients with diabetes at low risk of Cns. Consensus statement_McInnes, Diabetic Med.pdf  76.82Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 325.1102-2 Diabetes and the foot_Editorial, Diabetic Med.pdf  100.04Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 325.1102-HBOT improves HRQOL in patients with diabetes and chronic foot ulcer_Löndahl, Diabetic Med.pdf  129.03Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 334.1102-Early duplex scanning after infrainguinal endovascular therapy_Humphries, jvs.pdf  141.84Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 349.1101-Doppler US of the liver, Made simple_McNaughton, Radiographics.pdf  2.97Mb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 373.1102-Falling rates of hospitalization and mortality from AAA in Australia_Norman, jvs.pdf  245.80Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 373.1102-Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of AAA_Nordon, Nat Rev Cardiol.pdf  432.78Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 376.1102-Pilot testing of a decision support tool for patients with AAA_Berman, jvs.pdf  375.00Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 391.1102-Endovascular therapy for acute limb ischemia_Kashyap, jvs.pdf  170.98Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 616.1102-Epidemiology of the contraceptive pill and VTE_Hannaford, Thromb Res.pdf  111.58Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 616.1102-Hormone therapies and VTE, where are we now_Vlieg, JTH.pdf  147.07Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 616.1102-Postmenauposal hormone therapy and VTE_Olié, Thromb Res.pdf  110.06Kb  February 1 2011
[TXT] 622.1101-Prophylaxie thrombo-embolique peri-opératoire_Samama, Rev Prat.pdf  120.63Kb  February 1 2011

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