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[TXT] 121b.0906-cIMT, an early marker of CVD (Polak, US quartely).pdf  558.44Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 122.0906-Concomitant CAS and PAD. Relationship between inflammatory status of the affected limb and severity of CAD (Brevetti, jvs).pdf  516.51Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 131.0905-Effects of Web- and Computer-based smoking cessation programs. MA of RCT (Myung, Arch Int Med)pdf.pdf  354.42Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 131.0906-Bйnйfices CV du sevrage tabagique (Thomas, Press Med) +++.pdf  631.80Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 131.0906-Nicotine gum treatment before smoking cessation, RCT (Etter, Arch Int Med).pdf  303.05Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 133.0907-Cigarette smoking, smoking cessation, and diabetes (Tonstad, Diab Res & Clin Pract).pdf  412.25Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 134.0906-Narrative review, Statin-related myopathy (Joy, Ann Int Med).pdf  321.69Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 134.0907-Triglycerides as vascular RF, new epidemiologic insights (Kannel, Curr Opin Cardiol).pdf  297.55Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 135.0905-Obesity and Cardiovascular disease, RF Paradox and Impact of weight loss (Lavie, jacc).pdf  582.74Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 140.0906-ACE inhibitor in patients with vascular disease (Pitt, Eur Heart J) Editorial.pdf  370.60Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 140.0906-Consistency of the Tt effect of ACE-inhibitor based Tt regimen in patients vascular disease or at high risk of vascular disease (Brugts, Eur Heart J).pdf  523.47Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 141.0905-1 Aspirin in Iary prevention, Collaborative MA of individual participant data from RCT (ATT, Lancet).pdf  514.51Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 141.0905-2 Aspirin in Iary prevention, sex and baseline risk matter (Algra, Lancet) Comment.pdf  237.55Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 160.0907-Cardiovascular molecular imaging (Fayad, ATVB).pdf  430.89Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 160.0907-Inflammation imaging in atherosclerosis (Rudd, ATVB).pdf  929.24Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 160.0907-Molecular imaging in atherosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular inflammation (Choudhury, ATVB).pdf  972.35Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 160.0907-Molecular imaging of macrophage, cell death for assessment of plaque vulnerability (Laufer, ATVB).pdf  1.31Mb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 223c.0905-TIA patients with fluctuations are at highest risk for early stroke (Hennerici, CVD).pdf  334.46Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 23.0906-Measurement depth and volume in LDF (Fredriksson, Mircrovasc Research).pdf  1.06Mb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 241.0907-Carotid plaque analysis, Comparison of dual-source CT findings and histological correlation (Das, ejves).pdf  373.34Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 242.0906-Velocity variability in US doppler examinations (Hadlock, USMB).pdf  355.72Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 252.0906-Who benefits most from intervention for asymptomatic CS, patients or professionals (Naylor, ejves) ++.pdf  385.31Kb  July 13 2009
[TXT] 252d.0906-Indications for carotid screening in patients with CAD (Aboyans, Press Med).pdf  726.01Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 255.0906-LMWH significantly reduces embolisation after CEA, RCT (McMahon, ejves).pdf  544.34Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 255.0906-Two year FU results of the SAPCE trial (Forbes, jvs).pdf  221.44Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 262.0907-EC and TC ultrasound assessment in patients with suspected positional VB ischaemia (Sultan, ejves).pdf  412.45Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 276.0907-Cervical artery dissections, predisposing factors, diagnosis and outcome (Debette, Lancet Neurol) ++.pdf  633.92Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 316.0906-1 Abnormal skeletal muscle capillary recruitment during exercise in T2 diabetes (Lindner, jacc).pdf  886.12Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 316.0906-2 Capillary BF abnormalities in the skeletal muscle and microvascular complications in diabetes (Porter, jacc). Editorial.pdf  243.32Kb  June 19 2009
[TXT] 317.0906-PAD and Virchow's triad (Bennett, TH).pdf  664.86Kb  June 19 2009

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