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[   ] associated_with_cowboys.dws  329.00b  March 15 2002
[   ] associated_with_pickles.dws  337.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] atlantic_hurricanes_for_2001.dws  329.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] australian_cities.dws  339.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] backpacking.dws  315.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] begin_&_end_with_same_2_letters.dws  352.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] begin_&_end_with_the_same_3_letters.dws  361.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] bicycle_racing.dws  341.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] blackjack.dws  314.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] boston_tea_party.dws  332.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] brass_instruments.dws  347.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] british_poet_laureates.dws  343.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] carnivores.dws  312.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] castles.dws  320.00b  April 24 2002
[   ] characters_from_the_waltons.dws  353.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] chiefly_british.dws  325.00b  September 18 2002
[TXT] control.txt  2.46Kb  September 18 2002
[   ] internal_combustion_engine.dws  359.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] odd_numbered_letters_only.dws  320.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] olympic_game_sites.dws  331.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] on_the_cover_of_si_in_2001.dws  345.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] remove_1st_&_last_letter_to_make_another_word.dws  369.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] remove_odd_letters_to_make_a_new_word.dws  379.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] things_we_hang.dws  332.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] things_we_judge.dws  339.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] things_with_a_dial.dws  347.00b  March 3 2002
[   ] things_with_doors.dws  318.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] three_vowels_in_a_row.dws  328.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] verbs_of_sight.dws  300.00b  September 18 2002
[   ] wind_instruments.dws  334.00b  September 18 2002

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